Martes, Marso 15, 2011

Fidelity over Will: An enormous distinction

                      (photo from: Google images--
     The face that launched a thousand ships, the beauty that killed untold thousand of souls, the charm hailed as the center piece of Greek myths, the woman reputed as the most beautiful in the ancient world--Helen, the queen of Sparta (
     Helen is a daughter to Leda and a sibling to Clytemnestra and Pollux. She was married to Menelaus before she met Paris, the prince of Troy. This prince, however, detested the unscrupulous treatment of the Spartans to women. And for this reason, he eloped with Helen and brought her to their kingdom, Troy. This elopement brought about the Trojan War, killing thousands of people and bringing Troy's entirety into fire.
     Aside from Helen, another woman made a remarkable significance in Greek literature--Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, King of Ithaca. Penelope has been a faithful wife to Odysseus, she kept her suitors at bay in the long absence of her husband ( Though she has not seen Odysseus in twenty years, and despite the pressure the suitors placed on her to remarry, Penelope never lose faith in her husband. Although her love for Odysseus was unyielding, she responds to her suitors with some decisions. Her astute delaying tactics revealed her sly and artful side. This notion have cleverly bought her time and thus, brought both of them in unity (
     If you were to analyze both characters, two women with great differences, two lives with different convictions, you may have thought of emulating one and letting the other serve as a lesson. Looking into Helen's perspective, you may have pondered over the sense of Helen being an antagonist in the story. This is due to her defiance to faithfulness for she chose to run away with Paris even if it may harm thousands of lives. On the other hand, if you would look into Penelope's perspective, you may have pondered over her marital faithfulness, patience and unyielding love for her husband. In this unfathomable understanding, you may have seen two phases of a woman: a woman of fidelity and a woman of will and conviction.
     In comparison, you might enter into a deep conception that, being faithful is better than seeking freedom and fighting for happiness. For in the face of life, unending love and faithfulness have been associated with happiness and sound togetherness. On its other side,it has been a dark reality that we face, that some humans choose to pursue freedom and seek their own happiness not knowing that it would cause anxiety to may.
     Hard to admit, however it is true, that between fidelity and will, there is a great DIFFERENCE.

1 komento:

  1. it has a summary, just a brief one. Just emphasizing the role of both in the epic.
